A while back Branches mentioned working on a video for Triple You Tapes' SUUUMMUUUR SAMPLUUUR track "Salão Flamingo." It's finally here in all its military stock footage + psychedelic glory. NSFW if your boss ain't down with anonymous animated babes in heels toting guns.
Here's a purple video of some weird birds and some cute birds by PandaPandaPanda, soundtracked by Neon Pulse's "Kestrels." See, it makes sense because kestrels are falcons.
"Kestrels are most easily distinguished by their typical hunting behaviour which is to hover at a height of around 10–20 metres (33–66 ft) over open country and swoop down on prey, usually small mammals, lizards or large insects." - Wikipedia
A couple ofmy friends just posted this video on Facebook with the comments "Wow!" and "This is absolutely brilliant." I had to watch, so I did, and it's certainly awesome. As of now, I know nothing about Blanche Blanche Blanche or their song "Talk Out Loud," except that the video was directed by Joey Pizza Slice and the song is to appear on SONGS OF BLANCHE BLANCHE BLANCHE, whatever that may be or end up being. A quick Google search turns up am MP3 of the song on OSR Tapes' blog, available below.
For those of you who have been paying attention to what I've been up to, I interviewed tooth ache. recently for Impose Magazine. There, she mentioned the Joey Pizza Slice dude, who produced her song "Skin."
"[he] recorded it and then played it through trash cans for some tinny reverb."
Italian Beach Babes sent over a couple tracks from Hounds of Hate's new three-song 12" Head Anthem. These songs have been kicking around, but these are the cleanest/clearest versions I've heard so discard your old demo versions and re-up with these guys.
The label speaks of the trio's "heavy, low-tech sound," which I honestly can't get enough of. The label also offers some insight from the HoH members themselves, likening their music to "a synthetic weave stuffed in a floppy drive" or "vaseline smeared on a Trax record." Sounds about right.
The record is available for pre-order from IBB and will see an official release November 8.
Christelle Gualdi a.k.a. Stellar Om Source kicks off a week-long UK tour today at The Portland in Cambridge, and what better way to celebrate than with an Altered Zones co-premiere via Olde English Spelling Bee. "Rites of Fusion" appears on both SOS records Ocean Woman and Trilogy Select, the latter of which is a re-sequenced and remastered version of 2009's CDR trilogy series (which also includes Alliance and Crusader) out now on OESB. I managed to catch both of her Massachusetts shows on this past Winter's tour with Daniel Higgs. The Boston show (at The Whitehaus) also featured Daniel Lopatin playing as Oneohtrix Point Never. Coincidentally, "Rites of Fusion" is a collaboration with Lopatin.
The version of the song from Trilogy Select (and from the video) varies slightly from the version found on Ocean Woman. The original opens with thunder claps and the beginnings of a rainstorm, melting slowly into synthesizer pulsations. The video version cuts abruptly from part of Ocean Woman album closer "Magnetic Depths" to "Rites of Fusion," and from a glowing orange sunrise to tripped-out visions of kids eating cosmic pudding. The visuals, by Rome's AAVV, are appropriately weird, turning all things human into things very much so warped and synthetic (not unlike Megazord's clip for "Island Best").
However, I prefer the original version. It's more drawn-out, finding comfort in a more extended period of warm, watery tones and in the context of the Ocean Woman album as a whole. I highly recommend catching one of these upcoming UK shows, as the couple I caught a few months ago were amazing meditative experiences complete with green jungle lasers. Grab a copy of Ocean Woman (if they still exist), grab a copy of Trilogy Select (with "amazing full color high-gloss jackets" and "a double-sided color insert") and enjoy the video.
For those of you not in the know, I used to host and/or co-host a radio program at WMUA in Amherst, MA for a couple years. For the last few months I was there, some gal from Los Angeles called/tweeted a request nearly every week. The bond was SO TIGHT that I asked her to do a little write-up for the request each week. The bond's tightness WAS PROVEN cos even after the radio show ended, I didn't want to end the featurette.
Without further ado, the baker's dozenth FBUS X Tangents Request:
Today I am requesting Navajo Bixby's "Moonlighting". Why? Well, because this is what I listen to while I'm sitting around in my coon skin cap. Because that is the kind of person I am. I am the kind of person who wears pieces of her Halloween costume in the darkness of her own home, blazing surf pop & fire kush.
Marissa A. Ross is a Los Angeles based blogger who enjoys music, potato salad and jerking off all day because she works from home. Check out her personal blog, Tangents & The Times, and follow her on Twitter @MarissaARoss.
DOPEST ENCOUNTER: Music director dude from UC Santa Barbara randomly asking me if I was going to The Delancey while I was eating pizza. Later, dude let me drink a bunch of his Jim Beam.
BAND I'M LEAST BUMMED THAT I MISSED: Surfer Blood at The Pyramids.
MOST DEJA VU MOMENT: Seeing Andrew Cedermark at Glasslands again after seeing him there like last week.
It's been a while since we first reported on Iraqi "six piece all female lesbian jazz-funk group" Police Academy 6, but some new jams surfaced the other day, including a couple collaborations - one with Lester Brown and one with unouomedude. I'm partial to the PA6 + Lester Brown jam "Saved," whose video below is a perfect accompaniment for the gauzy air of the song. Dude has a full-length out soon on AMDISCS, but in the mean time check a couple new jams, a couple old jams and that video.
I first heard San Diego dudes Heavy Hawaii when Keyboards Is Drunk posted various demos of theirs back in March. It's been quiet on the new-tunes-of-theirs front, but turns out that's because they've been working on those charming demos, filling them out into the perfect pop tunes they were meant to be. Art Fag and Altered Zones have let me co-premiere "Sleeping Bag" in MP3 form, as well as a stream of their whole self-titled EP. The six songs work beautifully with one another, sugary morsels without time or place or much other context. Sometimes that's really not important at all, and in this case I'd say it's even constructive - the perfect soundtrack to the moment your head hits the pillow slowed down into a 15-minute event.
Branches hit me with the tip on his buddy Carlos Nascimento, who makes music under the name Robert Foster. Dude describes his music as "childhood new age dreamscapes," a completely apt sketch of the humming synthesizers emanating from his Soundcloud. There, he follows Christelle "Ocean Woman" Gualdi a.k.a. Stellar Om Source. He also reps Christelle as a top friend on Myspace, so I'll venture to say he would cite her as an influence given the cosmic nature of his drones.
Robert Foster's digital EP Blackmass is available for free download via Soundcloud. Zone out to a few samples then grab all five tracks.
It's been a while since I've mentioned Lil Wayne here on FBUS. Mainly cos he went to jail and dropped something horrendous in Rebirth. I literally didn't listen to the whole thing. I couldn't. I respect myself a little bit.
However, I figured there would be a good enough reason to sing dude's praises before Carter IV dropped, and I was right. I Am Not a Human Being is a mini-album in the grand scheme of hip hop albums. It's only ten tracks, many of which the public had heard before the shit dropped on September 27 (remember - Wayne's birthday), but I suppose that should be expected. What's an album anyway? Especially in the mainstream spotlight like this one. "Album" at this point, in a corporate sense, just means you can buy it on iTunes for a little bit less than if you bought the songs individually. In this case, the individual songs cost $1.29 and the album costs $11.99, so that's like saving $1.00. Great.
HOWEVER, continue reading this article and I'll show you a way to shave the price down even further cos even though there's only ten tracks, there's a few you certainly don't need. The other Wayne songs on your iTunes will actually get sick knowing you purposefully spent money on the useless few (assuming you didn't already poison your MP3s by purchasing anything from Rebirth).
This is probably one song you don't need to buy cos, well, it leaked before the album dropped anyway. For one, Lil Wayne HQ posted it up a week before the album dropped. For two, it's really not that great of a song. Pitchfork's review of I Am Not a Human Being claims that this is one of "the finest three songs" on the album, which is simply not true. Who cares that Drake is on it? He doesn't do much to save the boring beat and a generally bored Wayne. Also, the whole point of the song is that if you're not with Young Money you're a pussy that has a nasty STD and frankly I don't appreciate people assuming I'm filthy just cos I'm not with YMCM or whatever.
2. "Hold Up" feat. T-Streets
Don't buy this one either. No idea who T-Streets is or why he has anything to do with this album, but according to his bio he abandoned his interest in sports at the age of 12 to pursue a rap career simply because he met Wayne. I dunno, dude should've tried his hand at hoops or baseball or fucking curling or ANYTHING but rapping. I'm not saying he ruins the song, but he doesn't make it any better, that's for sure.
Finally, something to talk about that doesn't completely blow it. "With You" is the highlight of this album (or maybe the following song), seeing Wayne get all sexy talkin about pleasing beautiful women. This might be my favorite Weezy, the one who left his gun and his weed at his crib, opting instead for "moonlight and candles and shit." The StreetRunner beat is all slow and tinkly, the whole thing wrapped around a simple but soothing vocal bit. Then you get to the chorus and Drake pretty much redefines the "and we gon' be alright if we put Drake on every hook" sentiment. Also, this:
"she get mad when I call other women hos you send her rose I'll pick some flowers and send her those tall glass of Merlot get her in the mode two tall glasses of Merlot get her out her robe I whisper in her ear and lick around her lobe and when she check her watch it's never time to go."
4. "I Am Not a Human Being"
Then this track arrives next, pretty much the exact opposite of "With You" from the opening nu-metal guitar riff. And if that wasn't enough to convince, Wayne gets diabolical right away like Bruno from Strangers on a Train, intimating that he's about to "pop all the balloons and spit in the punch." The verses' content is sort of weak but the song's generally fun and heavy, lots of insults and murder-boasts like "if you think you're hot then obviously you been lied to" and "shoot you in your head and leave your dash full of memories."
5. "I'm Single"
I think this was the first full I Am Not a Human Being track I heard, in the form of the official video. That was some six months ago, and the video's still pretty ridiculous. Shots of one well-endowed (back-wise) woman on the beach, seeming to run through Wayne's mind, while his main chick desperately awaits his arrival back home. Eventually she figures out he's not coming back (probably cos, well, he's Lil Wayne) so she stabs the cake she made him and we leave her in regret with eyeliner running. If only she could have seen how many cellphones Wayne has in the studio a.k.a. certainly enough to never let on that there's another lady waiting for him elsewhere.
On the surface this seems like stupid mid-tempo radio fodder. Maybe it is, but honestly Nicki is the only one on this 'album' that I could imagine actually appearing on Carter IV (aside from Drake, of course). I'm okay with her chorus melting into my inner ear. She's been that interesting new breed of female rapper or whatever for a while, doing the whole face twitch robot barbie thing. But there's a ton of her verses I still can't get down with. However, when she's thrown on a syrupy hook I usually dig, and that's exactly what happens here (though I have absolutely no idea what she's talking about). Wayne also has some alright one-liners, including a Celtics reference:
"we get high til it feel like the sky low" "that's that nine, nigga - eugh, Rondo" "sleepin' with the enemy, so I fuck the world" "the world is on my shoulders - should I dust my shoulders off?" "man, I'm fly as fuck you ain't even next to depart"
7. "Right Above It" feat. Drake
This is another one that's been around a while. Shit's huge, Drake's verse is actually good and I'm so down when these two just talk about how awesome they are and how you're probably a loser. Drake does the thing where he teeters on being introspective ("fake friends write the wrong answers on the mirror for me") when I wish he'd just get more arrogant ("I got a couple cars I never get to use, don't like my women single - I like my chicks in twos"). But then Weezy saves it with the chorus where he claims that "you know you at the top when only heaven's right above it" which I wouldn't know anything about but apparently he got so high he saw angels or something. There's also a couple Weezy lines in his first verse that blow my mind:
"guns turn you boys into pussies - sex change" (and directly after that but in a separate breath...) "and I smoke til I got chest pains"
8. "Popular" feat. Lil Twist
Let me preface this song by saying it's not that good. Aside from it being a pretty stupid basis for a song (if you fuck Lil Twist you will be popular), Wayne just kinda recycles parts of his verse from "Bed Rock" for the little bridge part. This is weird to me. Seems like an insult to Twist. Wasn't worth thinking up a few new words to say before his chorus? Guess not. Guess it's cos a Young Money groupie might settle for Twist if they can't get into Wayne's hotel room, given they're young enough. How old is that dude anyway? 17? 19? (EDIT: He's 17.) I dunno, I guess the chorus might be worth half the cost of a normal MP3. I promise dude won't appear on Carter IV. Don't buy this one unless they're having an at least 50% off MP3 liquidation sale, "EVERYTHING-MUST-GO" style.
9. "That Ain't Me" feat. Jay Sean
Who the fuck is Jay Sean? Don't listen to/buy this song. Er, well, there's one good part...
"and I don't go to church because the line long"
^ BEST excuse for not attending church, ever.
10. "Bill Gates"
First thing's first - this song is called "Bill Gates." Wayne says he "got a sign on my dick that say 'bad bitches only.'" Do you think Bill Gates has a SIGN on his DICK that reads "bad bitches only" ? Yeah, me neither. Do yourself a favor and forget this one too.
I'm sure the tracks I approved will tide you over til Carter IV. Until then, #FREEWEEZY.
It's raining today which makes me very happy. Manitoba's "Crayon" is in my top five rainy day songs. When I was 16 or 17 years old, or somewhere in that space of time in which I found crying to Cursive in my bedroom to be a sensible hobby, my best friend from the internet sent me a mix CD. This song was on it. I was immediately grounded for giving someone I met on the internet our address (my parents confused "meeting on Teen Open Diary over Saves The Day posts" with "having cyber sex with middle aged creepos in AOL chat rooms"), but for those two gloomy fall weeks, this song made the world beautiful. Each tink of the xylophone was a single drop of rain outside my double-paned bay window, a soundtrack for the symphony of cascading rain upon my gray suburban street. And although now I have dumpsters and chain link where in my youth there were pepper trees and luxury sedans, it's just as lovely.
Marissa A. Ross is a Los Angeles based blogger who enjoys music, potato salad and jerking off all day because she works from home. Check out her personal blog, Tangents & The Times, and follow her on Twitter @MarissaARoss.
THAT'S RIGHT -- it's on. Six days from now the gentlemen from Rose Quartz and Friendship Bracelet present a night of rock n roll, weirdos and rad kids. It would mean so much to us three dudes if we saw you out there, sluggin back Rolling Rock cans and goin wild. We have incurred some slight lineup changes and will also be starting EARLY, first band at 7:30PM. In addition, we've shaved the price down a bit, from $10 to a cool $8! Two more bucks towards booze/merch. Here's the lineup with set times:
I've also taken a minute to collect a bunch of videos/music for you all to suck on between now and Tuesday. So PLEASE spread the FBUS X RQ gospel -- we'll see you there.
Gary War has been at it a few years, churning out the New Raytheonport LP (originally released on SHDWPLY, soon to be reissued by Sacred Bones), Horribles Parade LP (Sacred Bones) and a bunch of other records, including the Reality Protest 7" and the soon-to-be-released Police Water 12" EP, featuring synth morsel "Born of Light." The track made its rounds towards the end of Summer, Fader claiming it was "significantly more cosmic" than the "goth mumbling" of yore.
Big Troubles has been one of my favorite current rock n roll bands for over a year now. They have released 7" records on Blackburn Recordings and Olde English Spelling Bee, and their Worry LP recently dropped, also on OESB, a massive blast of shoegaze fuzz scuzz, drum machine heartbeats and synthesizer flourishes. Their live set ends up slightly different from the Worry recordings, as Alex Craig and Ian Drennan drop the synthetic low-end in favor of Samuel Franklin (Fluffy Lumbers) on drums and Luka Usmiani (No Demons Here) on bass. These dudes rip hard. Bring your earplugs... or don't.
Total Slacker is Tucker, Emily and Ross from Brooklyn, consistently staying true to their name by rocking out slowed pop songs about parties and creepos and 40s and Doritos. Their first 7" record, "Crystal Necklace"/"Video Store Rental Guy", is now available on Impose Records. Also Tucker usually ends up playing a guitar solo behind his head so check these dudes OUT.
Greatest Hits (Tyler Thacker + Zak Mering a.k.a. Raw Thrills) will perform live with Luke Perry a.k.a. Axl a.k.a. Screech and the Medium Fries, bringing their jubilant dance-y pop jams to life. "Danse Pop" is some serious dancefloor grinding material, which isn't to discount the other three tracks on their OESB 7" cos they're all serious, radical slices of euphoria. Watch out for a guest mix from these dudes sometime before the end of the week and if you seriously can't wait, check out the one they made for Rose Quartz RIGHT HERE.
Tonstartssbandht is two brothers, Edwin + Andy, who throttled out some raging psych mess when I caught em playing this past Sunday at Glasslands. Maybe it was the pentagram carved into Andy's back. Maybe it was the end of a long weekend of playing shows with the forever-rad Cool World. Maybe it was all the Four Loko. Either way, the dudes churn out some heavy meshing of pop music on their tapes/CDRs and burn through sweaty riffs in their live sets. Check out these videos below from Denton last Summer of the dudes playing with Mike from Run DMT. Killer shit. They also have a label called DŒS ARE. Check it OUT.
Woodsman had played with two drummers every time I saw them until last Saturday, and while the double pounding really was special, it didn't really take away from the show when they were backed by a single kit. The dudes still ripped two huge stretches of psychedelic guitar, which I assume is what they'll do in their opening slot Tuesday. P.C. Worship couldn't make it, so we asked Woodsman to jump on last minute and they were kind enough to do so EVEN THOUGH they're playing another show later that night. Sweet dudes.
Food Pyramid deliver MN-local "krautrock" to the world via Minneapolis label Moon Glyph. The project delves into an electronic experimentation in repetition, gazing back in time to their German forefathers with saxophone in hand. Their debut cassette I makes for an appropriately cosmic introduction, melding the blips and squelches of outer space with terrestrial rhythms found right on your doorstep or, perhaps more appropriately, slightly past the stoop and into the street below.
In "Southside Blacktop Beat" these rhythms immediately come off Latin, much like the sweltering dance music blaring out the open car windows of my Spanish neighborhood. Album closer "Speedboat Exit Miami Sunset" is more intent on taking its time, hip-shaking grooves creeping in and out of synthesizer mist and, yes, more saxophone. Someone please hook us up with a Food Pyramid moombahton edit.
I'm requesting Fripp & Eno's "Evensong", cause I'm stressed out. That's it.
This song helps me relax & just like, drift off into space for a couple minutes, which is really important. I wish I had something more profound to say about this beautiful piece, but simply saying it actually transports me to another state of mind is quite the compliment in itself, especially coming from the girl who got AOL & was diagnosed with ADHD within the same year.
Sometimes you just need to chill hard, ya know?
Marissa A. Ross is a Los Angeles based blogger who enjoys music, potato salad and jerking off all day because she works from home. Check out her personal blog, Tangents & The Times, and follow her on Twitter @MarissaARoss.
If you peruse these pages, chances are you've been exposed to the gel-suspended bliss of Ryan Daniels a.k.a. Double Entendre (here, here, here). Dude told me he was playing a set with some friends Andy & Zeus tonite at K&M Bar (225 N 8th Street in Brooklyn), though I guess he might not actually be joining them now, but whatever, Andy & Zeus themselves are rad.
The duo has a whole bunch of stuff for pay-what-you-want (or free) on their Bandcamp, sort of split into two styles - a bunch of cosmic sci-fi drones sprinkled with some more organic, Earth-bound jams. I'm partial to the spacier stuff, but it's all nice. Check some of my favorites below, including their most recent piece, the 15-minute drifter "Mystery Cells," then check em out tonite at K&M with Millions and Hag Syndrome.
Speaking of which, my boys ROSE QUARTZ posted Greatest Hits jam "I'm An Alien" for download and earlier today they posted Zak's Look Out Look Out Mix, which Zak calls "a list of music that compels me to create music that helps me catch a glimpse of pop sensationalism that illuminates all the dark corners of my mind." Rad. Dudes are on some serious pop-takeover shit.
Another case of a rad album available to stream from the internet into your ear via headphones, this time digging the fried psychedelics of Tjutjuna's self-titled debut for Fire Talk. Again, I'd love to buy a copy on beautiful "High Quality 180 gram vinyl," but I cannot.
You should. Cos these streams rip as hard as any rumored hominid cryptid could hope for, which is to say the actual wax rotating on your turntable must rip EVEN HARDER. I'm calling it right now that there's gona be scores of kids running around in Tjutjuna costumes this year begging for candy (complete with those groovy shades, obviously).
If there's somethin on here you don't approve of me having here please let me know cos I don't wanna hurt nobody. Downloads are for sampling purposes and if there's anything afoot iprnelson@gmail.com is where complaints be filed.