Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So maybe by now you've figured out my tenure on Sesame Street Bandaids has ended. This doesn't mean you shouldn't still tune into DJ Darmok's show, still on WMUA Mondays 6:30-8PM EST.

This also doesn't mean this weekly request segment's gotta end and good thing it didn't -- Robin Ward is the jam.

Damn guys, where did summer go? I feel like it's just beginning and suddenly it's Labor Day! Don't get me wrong, I live for holidays & long weekends but Labor Day just sentimentally signifies the end of summer, ya know? Time to trade Slip 'N Slides in for books & shit. Woof. I wish I could smell like chlorine all the time, but in the good way. Like in the "Ohhh, I conveniently have nothing to do other than have fun outdoors & swim all day because I have as much responsibility as a nine year old!" way. Man, I wish someone had told me I was livin' the dream in fifth grade. I mean, I think my parents alluded to it from time to time but I didn't ACTUALLY think I was going to peak in elementary school.

I'm digressin'... anyway, with or without running through sprinklers, I still had a really great summer!!! And if I wasn't so tired from celebrating all weekend, I'd tell you about it. But we're watching Top Gun & like, the bro volleyball scene is almost on, sooo...

Marissa A. Ross is a Los Angeles based blogger who enjoys music, potato salad and jerking off all day because she works from home. Check out her personal blog, Tangents & The Times, and follow her on Twitter @MarissaARoss.

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