LAY BAC's new digital single is available for download from Bandcamp.
I been on the a-side "Stay Out Tonight" for a bit now, nice little jam representative of the "GHOST DISCO" genre mentioned in LAY BAC's "Sounds Like" portion of his Myspace page. Speaking of his Myspace page, dig that infinite background and SERIOUSLY dig the URL.
This single is out on Orchid Tapes and comes on the tail of some other leisure jams. He's got another album out next month called SHRILLER so watch the fuck out.
This is rad -- you can stream the whole Big TroublesWorry LP from Bandcamp in its entirety. Here are a couple songs I hadn't heard recordings of until last week and I must say, these dudes rarely disappoint.
Leaving Records just pushed us a "PREMASTER" of Sumsun's new full-length album Samo Milagro. Must say, shit sounds great so far, all gurgling psychedelic spasms and spazzy beat sections. Leaving says it's "an 80's dance record at heart," which is accurate, but found between the spans of euphoric rhythm are starry ambient breaks. Anyone paying attention to Leaving this year will welcome an even more accessible approach to psychedelic, beat-driven music (though they say it's not a "beat record").
Dudes were kind enough to share the record's opening track "Ants" with you all, so check it out and hang tight -- shit drops September 28. Until then tide yerself over with shit streamin from Myspace.
Thanks to Nathaniel for the tipper on Secret Colors, whose Myspace I've perused before but then I fell asleep and woke up and probably thought it was a dream and have since failed to keep up with them.
"Hammock Vibes" is the first track on Dreamersss, a new Secret Colors c37 on Dial Square Tapes. Shit's all warbly, mellow ambience, or whatever other descriptors you can find to explain what it feels like to stare directly into the sun.
Twins sent over the freshly completed Best Hits album Fantastic Lands a few days ago, which is his collaboration with Elise Tippins.
The duo does Peace Age right, churning out eight bits of what I'll sum up as weird pop music (their Facebook page calls it "electro-tropico-ecstatico-thrash-psychedelico"). My favorite of the bunch is currently album closer "Born Sloppy," which is actually a quite old Best Hits jammer written with original Best Hits member Garrett McIndoe when they were still a trio.
So this will actually be my final radio program on WMUA. It's been a great time and I hope to host some other show in the near future. Will keep updates on that.
Anyway, Marissa picked a real good request this week:
So, I’m on a plane right now flying to Chicago. I’ve never been to the Midwest in my whole life so I’m looking forward to it but for the present, I feel really bad for the bro next to me. He’s a really tall guy and he’s stuck like a sardine in the seat next to me. He isn’t fat at all but still the seat is too small and if this was Southwest, there might have been an incident. Naw, I doubt it. Luckily I only take up three fourths of my seat so with the arm rest up, bro has a little more room width-wise although he’s still absolutely fucked vertically. There was some exchange between him and the woman behind him, apparently his seat won’t go back. He realizes I’m trying to read his packet about auditing and keeps giving me shifty eyes, rightfully so. It’s unfortunate his packet is not also on a laptop so he could put his Cambria to size eight. That’s my trick for airplane writing, size eight.
He’s sleeping now.
I know his sleep must be restless & fruitless but I hope he has one of those vivid passing dreams that only happen in situations such as this and I hope it’s beautiful. He deserves it for being subjected to this level of smushery.
Marissa A. Ross is a Los Angeles based blogger who enjoys music, potato salad and jerking off all day because she works from home. Check out her personal blog, Tangents & The Times, and follow her on Twitter @MarissaARoss.
Autre Ne Veut's self-titled LP has slowly become one of my most anticipated records of the late Summer, bits and pieces of it revealing themselves slowly leading up to the first week of September.
First there was Triangle Records' Let Me Shine For You Lindsay Lohan tribute EP, where ANV killed a version of "Bossy." Then Olde English Spelling Bee followed with a couple videos, first the clip for "OMG" which is essentially the song playing over the lead-in to some sort of porn (we'll call it NSFW).
OESB then dropped the hypnotic "Soldier," which is appropriately paired with Luke Wyatt's disorienting "Video Mulch." This may be his more forward-thinking song I've heard. While "OMG" and the preview of "Drama Cum Drama" on his Myspace are easily traceable to R&B and synth-pop ancestors, "Soldier" is a bit more dense, sort of reminds me of what Games remixing Balam Acab might sound like.
C Powers recently sent over a lil bundle of new music he's been working on over the past month (still awaiting news on his split with Yaaard), including his remix of How To Dress Well's "Take It On."
The remix flips the original's tense atmospheric gloom on its head, snaps off a piece of HTDW's falsetto and re-pots it on the other side of the house in a separate, sunnier bed. The new mix is 100% indebted to C Powers' sound, not unlike the Holy Other remix, which similarly casts aside most of the original in favor for a few well-placed vocal samples buried beneath the remixer's new groundwork. C Powers takes a lighter approach, opting to pair the sample with a slowly evolving club thump, whereas Holy Other chars the dark tune to black with a slow-paced buzz, thick and ominous, bass heavy enough to crush bone.
Lacc Fork is on his sampler mash, just churned out a five-track EP called Fleet Swing. Dude's an art student in Toulouse, banged out these rolling, vinyl-popped jams, digs Dem Hunger and Young Montana? and knows how to keep you on yer toes late at nite.
As our favorite Monday radio programming ends, please do not despair. We all know things are only going to get better. I have mad faith in DJ Beer With Dinner & DJ Darmok and the art they will continue to give the Internet for many moons to come.
I'm going to send Sesame Street Bandaids off with Living Legends' "Nothing Less". This song hit me one night a couple years ago when I was stoned in my friend's car parked outside my parents house, staring down the long lawn into my father's study, illuminated by a series of strategically placed pot lights- which for those of you who haven't gone through multiple remodels, that isn't for growing weed, okay they're like those circular lights that are like IN the ceiling, you feel me?
OKAY DAMN, I digress!
Anywayyy, I'm sitting stoned in this Civic along my sidewalk, looking in at my father, in his study & his desk covered in business & his walls crusted with taxidermy & his face, although I could not see it, I knew his face was worn & tired from his high stress suburban life. And that's when I was like, "IT'S TIME 2 GO!" Six months later, I was in Los Angeles and two years later, here I am now.
For all your next chapters, I send you my warmest regards & best of luck.
Marissa A. Ross is a Los Angeles based blogger who enjoys music, potato salad and jerking off all day because she works from home. Check out her personal blog, Tangents & The Times, and follow her on Twitter @MarissaARoss.
Posted about AGTthe other day and I must say that since then my love for the songs I posted there has not dwindled, but I feel it necessary to highlight another of his jams, "What I Want Is Just Enough." As with all his other music (30 TRACKS' WORTH), it's available for stream and download via Soundcloud.
Super icy and industrial, Italian horror film shit. Maybe like slow Rob Zombie without guitars... which apparently adds up to "gay-horror-italo-disco" according to Fader.
Their Giza EP is out soon on Merok. They've got a few shows coming up, including tonite's GAMES live debut and Autre Ne Veut's LP release party (w/ Laurel Halo & Airbird).
It's always tough when you hear about a tape, you hear it's worth listening to, you read about it, you watch videos, download MP3s, and then learn to find it's out of stock, out of print. This is what usually happens with releases I'd be interested in from Stunned Records. It happened with Silver Bullets' Free Radical tape from last year, the Duck Dive/Edibles split this year and shit, who wouldn't be curious about hearing a c14 from a band called Slam Fucking Dunk?
But it doesn't matter, because unless you're seriously dedicated to trolling the Stunned Records Blogspot, you're going to be too late. The editions of 111 tapes and 50 CDRs will be out of stock by the time you're interested, the bands often have no Myspace presence or web space otherwise, and you'll be forced to Google search for mediafire downloads.
And I don't condone this, it's just not the same listening to some .zip download of MP3s when you know theres like a hundred people out there with the actual tape in their walkman or car stereo. It's also a bummer because you can't support the artist, save the minute impact you may make by writing about the sounds of the MP3s or spreading the band's gospel via word of mouth. All you can do is hope they get picked up by some label that will re-issue or get noticed by someone who will help distribute the music to a wider audience in the future.
This formula just happened again with Donato Epiro's Supercontinent c30. I was reminded of his existence after checking the video for "Fiume" (below), which is off last year's Sounding the Sun CDR. Checked his Myspace, saw there was a new tape. As expected, cold sold out. Both these releases hover around the same sound - thick psychedelic drones, clattering percussions, fluttered reeds. To say he reminds me of an Italian High Wolf would put someone unfamiliar with Epiro on the right track of deep jungle meditations, but after repeated listens there's quite a noticable difference.
This is what Stunned has to say about his most recent offering:
"Animatronic apes and mechanical birds flock around Donato as he expertly fashions his sonic hieroglyphs, while sibilant rhythms and humid chants pour freely into the deviant ceremony from all sides. Join the intoxicating celebration, and play this tape whenever you need a little break from the continent you’re currently standing upon."
I'd suggest buying a tape, but it doesn't seem you can. However, there are many of his CDRs still available, including the Three Different Kinds of Poison CDR on Ark Tarp, his split with Alberorovesciato on Epiro's own Sturmundrugs label and the Pterigoti CDR, which is only available bundled with other releases on Sturmumdrugs.
Other than that, I can only suggest a healthy Google Search.
AGT has been flexing some spacey "Disco Ambience" for a bit now, completely taking his time to flesh out and break down each piece. Six minutes, ten minutes, twelve minutes. These jams just keep going, trance-like states induced multiple times per track (and apparently his live stuff is even "MORE spaced out"). The length of AGT's songs reminds me of something like Lindstrom & Prins Thomas, though their sound is a built more on dramatic tension. On the other hand, AGT fills any lingering space with more and more drum tracks and synthesizer stutters, becoming disorienting and claustrophobic the longer a song goes. If these couple samples aren't proof enough, take a dip in his deep, deep Soundcloud page, which also includes some live takes worth checking out.
Trevor from Woodsman sent over "Old Kid," a jam from his Gem Trails solo thang. Had the pleasure of hosting Woodsman in Pittsfield at the now defunct Copperworks and it's not that Gem Trails is the same thing as Woodsman or necessarily sounds the same, but I'm certainly thrown into the same sort of psychedelic drift.
"Old Kid" is all wordless (or unintelligible) vocals, soaring up over sparkly ambient pulses. Sounds like a windchime-clad porch flying through the atmosphere via tornado, Wizard of Oz stylee. Actually the tornado brought the whole house + yard along for the ride, complete with children playing games in the garden. Someone should make a video for this song along those lines. Mad windy.
"Old Kid" will appear on Gem Trails' debut 7" record on Fire Talk
Hotel Mexico's mini-album His Jewelled Letter Box dropped yesterday on Second Royal Records. The dudes were kind enough to let me post another track, which might be my favorite of the bunch. "Starling, Tiger, Fox" has this weird after-hours disco thing goin on, built on a hard piano line and abrupt, almost out-of-place synthesizers that I wish were actually a huge string section.
This week's edition of SESAME STREET BANDAIDS marks the second-to-last edition of SESAME STREET BANDAIDSEVER. Tune into 91.1FMWMUA and listen from 5:30-8PM EST. Peep on Marissa's weekly request below and WHY NOT CALL IN AND MAKE A REQUEST YOURSELF HUH? 413.822.4316
I just want to start by saying if I could have really picked any song this week, I would have picked "Colt 45" by Afroman. It’s the only Afroman song I own and it is down right offensive but like the chorus? Oh damn, like who can’t relate to that shit? That’s what makes true art, you know, relatable-ness… Dude, I’m listening to AFROMAN. Don’t expect me not to be making up words… Anyway, there would have to be way too many bleeps for the radio. Wouldn’t be fair to the song’s artistic integrity.
So, this week I’m going to come at you with CRUMBS’ "Altered States Of Beast." Not that CRUMBS is like second to Afroman or anything cause that’d be straight foolish.
CRUMBS is from Melbourne. Am I the only one like on a crazy Australian kick lately? Like, A LOT of what I’m jamming hard lately is coming out of Australia! I’ve been listening to CRUMBS a lot lately while working cause it’s just like chill but hard head boppin’ jams. I need that while I’m writing for middle-aged moms on Yahoo! syndicate channels: sweet steady up-beats that keep me motivated yet don’t distract me with lyrics reminding me I could be a bajillionaire with gold bikini clad bitches if I just keep “doin’ me,” getting my panties in a twist over my own ego when I’m trying to use fifth grade syntax to explain that caffeine makes your face oily. Because moms give a shit about that shit.
Marissa A. Ross is a Los Angeles based blogger who enjoys music, potato salad and jerking off all day because she works from home. Check out her personal blog, Tangents & The Times, and follow her on Twitter @MarissaARoss.
Chris Powers' Termeric project has gripped me tight since the day its sounds first touched my ears, so it's with my pleasure to announce the Natural Gel cassette's official release on Triple You Tapes.
Termeric's version of psychedelic club-trax are unparallelled. Warped, heavy-hitting and dark, these songs will put your mind at ease while simultaneously melting it, something sinister lurking behind every hook. I know I'm kind of biased, but I urge you to grab this tape before they're all gone - there's only 100 of em.
"Ecstasy With JoJo” is a massive ghostly damaged disco banger boasting a dancefloor annihilating sample that is foggy and warped but in a way that only magnifies its joyful, dizzying 3AM energy. Flipside, “Take It On” is more mournful and brooding but the deep tension it holds in its dubby drum blasts and sighing echo serves primarily to create space for Krell’s miraculous, angelic vocal acrobatics.
His first proper full-length Love Remains drops September 21 on Lefse.
Wrote a lil thang for Altered Zones' "Zoned In" feature about DJ Nate. Supplements my initial reaction post from a couple weeks ago.
Just wanted to get real and admit how I'm addicted to the second track on Hatas Our Motivation, "Ima Burn Him." Might be my favorite of his that I've heard so far. Shit's soulful and threatening, turning to ominous around the time the reloading guns click. Seriously BUY this 12" and take an hour to explore a DJ Nate Youtube search.
Oscar McClure's Compost tape has been out for a bit on Leaving Records, the album on one side along with a companion set of remixes on the flip side. "Leaves" is one of the most consistently rhythmic tracks from Compost's A-side, possibly why it got remixed not once but twice on the remix side.
McClure's sound is described by the label as "organic experimental hip hop," meaning all the sounds that make up the compositions come from the body or are field recordings. This doesn't come as a surprise after observing the earthy sounds. Organs gurgle, material decomposes, then seeps back into the Earth and is reborn as remixes. Sumsun's remix of "Leaves" brings plant matter brittle and browned back to life, replacing death's crunch with green vibrancy.
Kept seeing the Nike7Up Myspace all up in all the Disaro-related Myspace pages for the past while. This one really does it though and everyone (McGregor) seems to agree.
Fader posted a lil update on Homebwoi recently. That is, an update for people who were down with the Bwoi before. From my perspective, however, it was (unfortunately) a bit of a late introduction. According to the bio on his Myspace, dude's been on his shit for over a decade rapping and producing but the only solo work I've heard seems to be from this year.
I gotta start with this most recent Coming to America mixtape (FREE at Bandcamp). I'm down for the most part, but honestly one of the best highlights is 90-second opener "Welcome to America." Personally, a lot of my hip hop/rap music consumption has something to do with feeling good. Rappers on the hard side bring back memories of rolling around in high school pumping N.W.A. out my car speakers with all my friends rattling off all the words to Straight Outta Compton (for example), blown away by how theatrical, brutally misogynist/violent, and admittedly hilarious it was. No matter what the message, I tended to and still tend to listen to rap music to escape, nodding my head, enjoying the company of friends, partying, all with a stupid grin on my face.
So it's when something like "Welcome to America" comes along (or some of the shit I mentioned from that 808s & Dark Grapes mixtape re: killing your body with weedsmoke and codeine) that I kind of tape a step back and make an observation about some of the more depressing aspects of what is being said. It's simply an intro, but I have a couple points to talk on:
1. Dude's from Griffin, GA. He is not making his first trip to America or something. He's not from Germany, as you're lead to believe. He's not Eddie Murphy. However, according to his Bandcamp, Homebwoi made this album "to link countries to the United States through my eyes." Bringing people of the world together is a good thing. World Cup, right?
2. It honestly sounds like DJ Noiz sampled some Lion King shit for this beat.
3. In order to set up #4, I have to list all the great things about America that Homebwoi describes:
-hip hop -booty shaking -nonstop partying -bright lights -Hollywood -fighting in the street
4. Now, the other thing he mentions is how our president is black. This is something to celebrate, right? Diversity, right? We finally did it, right?
Not exactly. Homebwoi seems to hint at something along the lines of 'just because we elected a black president doesn't mean all our problems are gone.'
"the president is black, right?"
The enunciation on the "right" is more like "riiight?," coming off a bit sarcastic, even caustic. Seems to hint that we still have a long way to go. In the next track, "The Day After," he goes on to describe the joy and pain that goes along with such a big change. He describes the difficulties Obama had even getting elected in the first place ("they got his birth certificate they sayin that it's wrong -- they say he's not a citizen this ain't where he belong") let alone the aftermath ("I think the country need change, but ima tell you somethin they so motherfuckin strange - Obama get ridiculed for any fuckin thang"). He takes another jab at America to close the song:
"This here's is the land of the free - unless the president look anythin like me"
Also real into this track ft. Dub G from UGK. Homebwoi has this to say:
"I felt it was only right to get someone from the UGK camp to get on a record like this because it gave me that old school classic feel of UGK in their prime. (R.I.P. Pimp C)"
I gotta show some love for a couple of his slightly older jams as well, namely "Gimme a Break" and "Head Above Water," both available as free downloads on the Legend of HomebwoiBandcamp page (all 17 tracks are going for just $1).
These couple tracks are best enjoyed in stark comparission to Coming to America's "Buy it Anyway," which sees Homebwoi flashing bills and dropping stacks on whatever:
"I got lots of money, might come off conceited Buy what I want when I don't really need it Fuck it fuck it fuck it ima go and buy it anyway"
These two older songs are about trying to get yer big break and the struggles of scraping by "overworked and underpaid."
Homebwoi's debut album No Place Like Home drops sometime soon on Collipark Music/Asylum.
While we're on the topic, here's some proof that 'just because our president is black America is not saved.' Look at this sort of amazing video of Dan Quayle's son Ben, in which he calls Obama "the worst president in history." Stop boycotting Arizona and its immigration laws. Start boycotting Ben Quayle (via).
New Hotel Mexico jam "Do You Do You HAIA" doesn't appear on His Jewelled Letter Box, but that's cool cos you can download it for free.
The full-length (is seven tracks a full-length?) drops August 16 on Second Royal Records. Next week we'll have another track FROM the album posted up in these pages as if this one and "Its Twinkle" weren't enough to convince you to buy that shit.
"Like Lil B, they sound lo-fi and based, but I'd say they're more special than that." - Ekhi Lopetegi
Take a DEEP breath.
I've been swimming thru this Main Attrakionz808s & Dark Grapes mixtape since Altered Zones featured a guest post on the subject from Delorean's Ekhi Lopetegi. Shit's pretty deep, lots of stuff to sift thru and I kind of want to go track by track on a mixtape but I have no idea what the track list is, just the songs all thrown together in a zip which you can find right HERE (via).
First thing I noticed was the sample in the "Legion of Doom" video (above). Imogen Heap, right?
I'm getting ahead of myself. Main Attrakionz is Mondre + Squadda B. Think I'm more attracted to the Mondre joints. Seem to bang a bit harder. Most of these "based" dudes don't seem like their flow could get them very far. Seems like it might be more about gettin yer swerve on, slugging back styro-cups brimming with codeine, huffing down blunts to the face, each crammed fat with the purplest of weed strains.
But it seems with some of this shit I simply don't mind.
I think Main Attrakionz has stumbled upon a new genre, somethin to umbrella over everything warped and narcotic and 'based' and slow: DRUG HOUSE.
Disorienting, sample-based music ain't nothin new. DJ Screw, them 'witch house' spliffstars, the @wayslower contingent, your 20-year-old thrift store tape deck fuckin wit yer 25-year-old thrift store Bel Biv Devoe tapes, yadda, yadda, yadda.
"All I sip is real purp Every day my stomach hurt Nothin but that real syrup Blunt stay laced-up Can't tell you which way Welcome to my drug house I promise you'll be fucked up"
I'm not saying I agree with this way of life. I'm not saying I dig hard on the claustrophobic, monotonous flow. All's I'm saying is if your stomach hurts EVERY day of your life from drinking so much cough syrup and you're STILL able to produce and rap on a mixtape that actually sounds this good, let alone FUNCTION, then congratulations.
No, seriously:
"My lung's half-way missing. I think my brain gone."
Here's some more shit to contemplate next time you're inhaling as many chemicals into your bloodstream as possible:
If that's not enough to chew on rite now, GRAB THE WHOLE MIXTAPE. Also according to this tweet we'll see a new Main Attrakionz mixtape August 31, a new "MondreM.A.N/Shady Blaze" project in September and the official full-length Main Attrakionz album in December.
After a week off, Sesame Street Bandaids returns this week on WMUA to pump a coool jam injection into your hot hot August evening. DJ Darmok will be performing in the Berkshire County Softball Complex's D-League playoffs so he will not be around -- that means 100% Beer With Dinner vibes from 530-8PM EST.
Included in this week's program are requests from Marissa from last week AND this week, so peep her pick below and listen in hard for your chance to WIN A PAIR OF TICKETS to see Deerhunter and Kurt Vile Saturday Aug 14 at Pearl Street Nightclub in Northampton, MA.
Today's request is Yannis Markopoulos' "Ekdromi," from the official soundtrack of Apollo Goes On Holiday, or Epiheirisis Apollon as it is known in its native tongue. Yannis was a bomb composer and was a respectable artist. Dude, check his Wiki! Anyway, this song features Elena Nathanail, this old school Greek "it" girl, who also stars in the movie. Haven't seen it, although it's from '68 and it has bitches on the beach so I bet if it's on Netflix, ima be adding that shit to my Facebook within the week!
It doesn't really matter. What matters is that Yannis and I have the same birthday! Pisces on the Aries cusp cusp! He was born in Crete, I was born in California! THOSE BOTH START WITH C'S!
Damn it's like I KNOW HIM. And I'm willing to bet, like, five bucks via PayPal, that he was a mad dynamic fool.
Okay for reals now, I chose this song because of the absurd amount of optimism it sends rushing through my body, which is sometimes, I'm pretty sure, all I have these days. Cheap wine and unadulterated optimism pumping through my veins! Make the best of today & think the highest of tomorrow! I might be crazy but that's really all we have, you know? The beauty of the present and the possibilities of the future! Crazy cause they eventually become the same thing and then it's like math cause you like, add 'em up and then you get the past! And we all know nostalgia is cool!
For everyone who is lost, I just moved in with my dudefriend, it's summer and I love Walt Disney World. The End.
P.S. Big ups 2 DJ Fanis of Hippy-DjKit, who is like one of the five Google searches for this bro Yannis and made it possible for me, & subsequently us all, to listen to this quintessential world summer jam.
Marissa A. Ross is a Los Angeles based blogger who enjoys music, potato salad and jerking off all day because she works from home. Check out her personal blog, Tangents & The Times, and follow her on Twitter @MarissaARoss.
New High Wolf record Ascension WAS new as of one (1) month ago.
Now there's a new one, Shangri L.A, that dropped at the end of July on Japanese label Moamoo.
Shangri L.A is composed of three tracks recorded this past Spring plus remastered versions of the three songs from his Gabon tape. Check out the first track below, stream the second and sixth, then BUY THE WHOLE THING ("beautiful gatefold oversized CD package, limited to 500 copies").
Just wanted to remind anyone around NYC area that if you're lookin for the party this evening, head over to Piano's on Ludlow on Lower East Side -- total How To Dress Well coming to America party with HTDW, Oneohtrix Point Never and myself DJing as Carmelo Antony, Chuck Person and The Glide, respectively. Plus live sets from Autre Ne Veut and Rhythm Based Lovers.
Shit's just $5 so come hang and listen to stupid jams and get drunk.
Young Prisms dude Gio gave me the jump on Melted Toys's "Lost Connection" a few weeks ago. Now they're playin shows around San Francisco. Stream these two demos, peep the dirty "deeemo reeel" at Bandcamp, then buy the entire 'Digital Album' for the cheap-as-fuck price of $666.
If there's somethin on here you don't approve of me having here please let me know cos I don't wanna hurt nobody. Downloads are for sampling purposes and if there's anything afoot is where complaints be filed.