Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Don't Die Wondering recently posted the song "Scapes" by Pennsylvanian Grain Mountain. Dude gets SERIOUS on a Forest Swords vibe. Like, for real, this sounds really good and all, but these two songs sound almost exactly like two Forest Swords demos -- lazy, gloomy mood pieces ripe for film soundtracking with droney guitars, persistent tribal drum patterns and carefully placed emotive vocal samples. "Scapes" is a more fully conceived song, and by that I mean it more fully mimics Forest Swords.

Anyway, dude has a screenshot/gif tumblr and another project called Booze Candy, whose Noteboxxes EP is available for free download. The EP is kind of all over the place so there's no real way for me to distinguish one project from the other, but my favorite track is "Graphics" where he gets into tidal ambient modes that remind me of the Double Entendre pieces that remind me of Dolphins Into the Future (like this one).

Scapes by Grain Mountain

Siberian Rails by Grain Mountain

Graphics by Booze Candy

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