Saw this here. Proceeded to read subsequent comments on blog. Don't rrreally care if it's 'bullshit' cos it's pretty rad. Still can't tell if he's called 'Windings' or 'Wingdings' but preeetty sure it's 'Windings' (but it's actually 'Wingdings'). Sort of Rangers Low Cut Fades rhythms dunked in a James Ferraro seafloor spirit jam. This stuff drips huge oily rainbowdrops. Huge Houseboats. Mutant Pop Muck. Elegant dessert cart in Floating Denny's.
Wingdings - I
Wingdings - II
Wingdings - III
YEAH DUDER been jamming on these so much, real good eh. how do i rip off/make music like thiss
sounds good, this is james ferraro/skaters latests thing isnt it?
yeh elliott probably
psst it's def "wingdings," i actually ordered some of these tapes a couple months ago... and they never arrived. bummmmmmer. i think the dude shut down his site, which used to be
and i'm pretty sure it's not ferraro or clark, just a disciple, dude's also responsible for the Explorers LP over at not not fun
Wingdings is Sam Meringue. He collaborated with James Ferraro on the 90210 tape.. he has some more records coming out soon on Not Not Fun & Olde English Spelling Bee and he is also part of Yoga who recently released an excellent album on Holy Mountain -
it seems like the wikipedia article has nothing to do with any of the other stuff..? peeped dat yoga, dig hard. love that all this shit is intertwined
funny i searched Jeff Goldblum's wikipedia and there was no mention of Friendship Bracelet -- i'm confused -- what am i missing?
all the confusion caused by pseudonyms and anonymous-releasing and idea-borrowing is funny - like people thought that More Bikini Babes was really a thinly-veiled disguise for a new Ducktails project (which it's not) and then there's been all these people saying that Wingdings is a new James Ferraro project & it's not.. i met Sam a year and a half ago and he gave me a Wingdings-2 tape back then.. his Matrix Metals l.p. is about to drop on OESB and there's also a Flashback Repository l.p. on OESB soon.. the MatrixMetals is a remastered version of the Not Not Fun tape - also be on the lookout for the "Foxy Baby" l.p. on Not Not Fun - it's a pop-rock album more in an Ariel Pink/Lamborghini Crystal mode and it SLAYS!!
the tale grows and grows... i looove that matrix metals shit! excited youre releasing it to vinyl, todd... gotta get me a piece of that.
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